lørdag 29. januar 2011

Ute i Europa

Marathons, uphill runs, bike and ski races are not simply sports, write the editors of Syn og Segn, before handing the baton to Øystein Orten, who takes us through a harrowing, kilometre-by-kilometre account of a marathon in north west Norway. Accompanied by his iPod, his mind races along with him:
29 km (Shakira: Whenever, Wherever)
I puke at the top of the bridge. Toss my body across the railing and retch. It was yesterday's mackerel. The one that my father-in-law fished in Øsrtafjorden has now reached Røyrasundet, I think to myself.
3 km (Johnny Cash: Folsom Prison Blues)
From Bigsetkrysset and onwards I start to feel hatred towards the Persians. If they hadn't been so full of thoughts of revenge 2500 years ago, I wouldn't have to go through this torture. Young mothers walk towards me with their prams. They smile. But I feel hatred towards them too. And towards the cars from the ferries passing by. And the grazing sheep.

Kjelde: http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2011-01-12-eurozinerev-en.html

3 kommentarer:

  1. Vil dette seie at artiklane i Syn og segn (som eg fekk til jul) er omsette til engelsk og publisert i utlandet? Har sjølvsagt lese Øystein sitt bidrag, og nokre av dei andre også. Skal lese alt, men lånte vekk bladet til Margrete nokre dagar. (Har fått det att no.)

  2. Berre litt av den for å presentere bladet.

  3. Eg leste den heilt tilfeldig på biblioteket! Veldig bra!


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